Promoting Safe Cycling in Upstate South Carolina

The Greenville Spinners Bicycle Safety Foundation is committed to making our community a safer place to ride bikes. We promote safe cycling through educational outreach and the distribution of bicycle helmets, lights, and other safety equipment. We also partner with and/or support other organizations that promote bicycle safety.
What started as one man’s idea has grown into a movement of passionate cyclists committed to providing children and adults with the equipment and knowledge they need to ride bikes more safely. It’s amazing what can happen when a single person cares – and takes action.
Since 1993, the Greenville Spinners Safety Foundation has distributed bike helmets, lights, and reflective vests to more than 15,000 school-aged children and vulnerable adults throughout the community.
Driven by the vision of founder Jimmy Vissage and supported by committed partners throughout the local cycling community, the Greenville Spinners Safety Foundation works to prevent cycling accidents and injuries in the Greater Greenville area.
A 2018 meta-analysis of 55 different studies shows that wearing a helmet decreases the chance of head injury by 48 percent, serious head injury by 60 percent, traumatic brain injury by 53 percent, and face injury by 23 percent. Furthermore, it reduces the total number of killed or seriously injured cyclists by 34 percent.
Over the past three decades, the Safety Foundation has distributed nearly 15,000 bike helmets and partnered with local organizations including the Salvation Army Boys & Girls Club, Momentum Bike Clubs, and I Can Bike and BELL Xcel, just to name a few.

Many cycling injuries can be avoided. Before heading out for a bike ride, cyclists of all ages should refer to these suggestions.
To learn more about bike safety, or to get involved with the Safety Foundation, please contact us.